A confident advance, if in complete safety, to resident Evil
In 2017, Capcom reinvented the resident Evil franchise with the spectacular Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. By adopting a first -person perspective, the studio was able to create a really terrifying experience. Biohazard was rented by fans and criticism for its new version of the series.
Thanks to the introduction of a new protagonist, Ethan Winters, Capcom was able to Re7 Accessible for new fans that plunge for the first time in the series. At the same time, the game has maintained links with previous entries in the series so that fans of the franchise appreciate.
Quick advance until 2021, and Capcom followed with a direct suite, Resident evil village. Village Not only is based on BiohazardSolid foundations, but are also massively influenced by undoubtedly the best entry in the series, Resident Evil 4. Village is a continuation of Ethan Winters’s tale, who is also, is perhaps the most unlucky person in the history of video games.

Problem in paradise
After the events of Re7 And escaping from their nightmare of Hillbilly, Ethan, Mia, and their newborn daughter, Rose, settled in Eastern Europe and play a happy family. It does not last very long, and soon Ethan’s daughter is kidnapped.
Rose, in the end, was stolen by a myriad of monsters, led by the mysterious mother Miranda, to be part of a kind of ritual. This triggers another rescue mission for Ethan, and he finds himself soon in the sinister village.
I saw Ethan criticisms mainly in that he has the personality of a wooden board, but I really like him. As a normal guy, dragged into a world of oddity and subjected to a really amazing amount of damage (like Nathan Drake without charm), it is someone you can’t help.
There are four distinct sections of the village led by the allies closest to Mother Miranda. Now Famous Internet Lady Dimitrescu and her vampire daughters occupy a superb castle reminiscent of Transylvania. Donna Benencomino, a doll manufacturer, can be found in an old strange house which is one of the best parts of the game. The really disgusting Moreau is in a viscous tank, and the clean magneto of the village, Heisenberg, manages its own factory creating monstrosities that are unleashed in the weakly lit rooms.

Embred the roots of the series
From the start, Village is much more heavy action than its predecessor. As mentioned above, the influence of Resident Evil 4 is easy to see. You will be surrounded by Lycans, by embroideing yourself balls and pulling on red barrels to send them to an ardent fire, which is always satisfactory. I personally liked the introduction of more action sequences, because they break the game a little and allow a little more variety. Certainly, I speak like someone who was afraid of the fears of jump presented in Biohazard.
As planned in a resident Evil game, articles management is the key to Village. You will find yourself playing a mini form of Tetris Sometimes try to organize your inventory. You can also buy weapons, ammunition and other articles from the resident merchant, the Duke. A great man, the Duke is also wrapped in mystery. You will find yourself in a total admiration for the mass of this unit, as well as to push a sigh of relief on a welcome opportunity to refuel, because you will need it.
Based on my game on PlayStation 5, Resident evil village To some of the best graphics that I have seen to date. To sneak around Castle Dimitécu was my favorite game of the game. Despite the constant threat of Lady Dimitécu and her daughters who hang on you, you can’t help but stop to admire the design in long elegant rooms and twisted stairs. I became obsessed with the discovery of the secrets that are in the old castle, desperate to explore every centimeter and read each room that I could find. My only criticism is that this section of the game does not last long enough.

An imperfect balance
After conquering the castle, I think the game is gradually starting to get lost. Each area you explore has its own tone and its distinct atmosphere, but none really corresponds to the perfection of the castle.
The Benenoneo house is always a truly exceptional part of the game, starring a psychological horror and shock crèches that will haunt you. I was really terrified during this section of the game, but it is so well designed that I could not look away.
After that, however, Village Pivots in full action mode. Although the action is a welcome addition, the first part of the game worked so well because it was completed by the horror. While exploring the parts of Moreau and Heisenberg VillageThe game loses all this visuality and is more like a Call of duty game.

Final reflections
Overall, Resident evil village is a great continuation of the story of Ethan Winters. The setting is one of the best in the franchise, and it is highlighted by an incredible cast of characters. The tone and the story of the game saw the end of the game, but the first hours are up there with some of the best entries resident Evil franchise.
While Village Do not reinvent the wheel in the way in which his predecessor has done, he serves as an important stabilizer for the series. It puts resident Evil On regular ground for the future, I can’t wait to see.
Score: 8.0 / 10
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