Revue Unitled Goose Game – The backwards punished

Untitled goose game Review: everything he is responsible for being

I didn’t want to write This goodbye. I desperately liked to love shameless Untitled goose game.

The braid was real in autumn. Friends covered My social media feeds in the screenshots of this silly game and claims it was Maximum chaotic protagonist design were everywhere. So when our publisher here in the Puni backwards said we had a code to UggI could not have been more excited.

And then I played it.

And now we are there.

I want to recognize that it is not the fault of anyone who has done or worked Ugg Whether their game has become a meme overnight or he obtained ridiculous levels of hyperbolic praise in occasional spheres. However, it would be falsified to pretend as if the conversation around the game at the time did not color my experience during reading. The expectations were in the stratosphere, and it was simply not the game it was.

It was a simple little puzzle game on a horrible goose.

Beyond my disappointment that a short puzzle game did not meet my impossible standards, however, this game was good. Decent. Quite good, even. He has a lot to offer, starting with …


The goose movement mechanisms are smooth and fun to use, and the dedicated horn button is really magical. From now on, I demand that all the games have a dedicated horn button. If Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla Do not offer a dedicated button that I can use to make my character horny, it is not worth playing and I will keep this statement. I would also be careful not to mention how much the power to put an arc on the goose was really delicious, and it is emblematic of something more. The fantasy of this game is woven in its details, with an artistic style well suited to a game on a horrible goose.

In addition to being so funny To use it, the Honk button was useful for performing tasks! There is certainly something to say for the addition of elements which strictly concern the atmosphere or the mood, but there is undoubtedly even more to say so that these elements are a need for gameplay. If you want me to be attached to people aggressively, the insertion of this in the required gameplay ensures that I will do it. And hunt this striped boy in the telephone booth, horny all along? It absolutely made me laugh.

A screenshot of the unit game representing a young boy trapped in a British phone booth. Outside, the goose hogs him while an angry adult looks.
Source: house house

You may notice that I said “tasks”, not “puzzles”. And that’s unfortunately where I felt Untitled goose game Finally failed.

The game

UggPuzzles did not feel like puzzles. This game has engaged my funny OS in a major way, but the puzzles, the main push of Untitled goose gameJust didn’t work. They sat down at the two ends of the puzzle understanding spectrum, very simple – dirty a fork! Fremish a child! – Or a complete mystery that let me guess apparently at random. When I discovered the solution, I did not kick me so as not to understand it. Instead, I was sitting in my bed saying, “Huh. I mean, I suppose?

And that’s not what puzzle games should feel! It is when a solution must be expelled, when the tests and errors are fun and each test brings you a little closer to a real solution, that puzzle games are at their best. With an exception, this was not the case and the overall experience of Ugg really suffer.

Gender issues

I heard the refutation that Untitled goose game is not a puzzle game, it’s a stealth game. Although I understand the argument – the best puzzle in the game is a stealth puzzle – I just don’t agree. It is certainly possible for those who prefer stealth games to play purely Ugg Like one, but the gameplay and the level design do not support it as the “planned” game method.

The tutorial of a game shows us how to play; He informs our understanding of mechanics. Stealth was not at the center of Uggtutorial. On the contrary, the tutorial was designed to use objects and flee the gardener, perhaps using some of these objects to slow them down. Untitled goose game is a puzzle game, at least according to the one who wrote his tutorial.

And what would a horn button do in a stealth game? I know that I said that each game should have one, but consider this: if it was an environment, I had to go through non-detected, why would I be given a button specifically intended to draw attention to me? While Untitled goose game Maybe playable as a stealth game, it was not designed as one.

I will not deny that stealthy puzzles are the most effective. The rear gardens – where the exception is – invite a significant amount of sneaking, working hard so as not to be hunted (and a little clothes of clothes through fences). This very clear path towards success, balanced perfectly by hiding from two people with their own rhythms and paths around the construction sites, has made a really pleasant level. Each puzzle in this area finally made sense, and they were just amusing! There is something about the flight Uggsneaking the owner of the object in the hope of not noticing or trying to resume their stolen property, which really, really, works.

A screenshot of the unit game representing a goose holding a sock hiding behind a shrub. On the other side of the shrub is a man who reads the newspaper.
Source: house house

Final reflections

Stealth and simple flight are the place where this puzzle game excels. If the developers took care of it, we may have considered a solid 9 for an occasional game. And I’m going to stay next to it! I often find tedious stealth games, but Stealth was really the best part of this game. Conversely, I generally like puzzle games, but I did not appreciate puzzles Ugg had to offer. Have they reversed the orientation and the bonus, Ugg Maybe the transcendental chaotic game that I heard.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. While the sandbox sections were great and a goose It was a fun and fresh choice for a puzzle game protagonist, some puzzles suffered from a lack of clarity, and the frustration of trying to understand them resulted in the whole experience. Despite this, the game has its place in the chaotic animal game genus alongside fellow even Goat simulator.

Overall, Untitled goose game is nothing to write at home, but it is certainly a fun and family addition to your quarantine playlist.

Score: 7.5 / 10

I hope you enjoyed this Untitled goose game goodbye. Interested in what we thought of other games? Try the recent criticism of David Silbert de Shantae and the seven sirens or Sam Martinelli’s review of The Made of Yoshi!

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